Sunday, November 4, 2018

Artist Draft 2

This week, I made the second draft of fifteen photos based off Eileen Quinlan’s Smoke and Mirrors. For this draft, I used a better camera and made use of different lenses based on how close I wanted the image to be, such that the camera would focus at the proper height. I was also more aware of the lighting and tried to use it to enhance my photos. This helped my photos stand out more with more vivid colors and clearer resolution. I also tried to change the angle at which the photo is taken in order to give a greater sense of spatial dissonance, however it ultimately made the area of focus much smaller than a straight on shot and also further revealed the gaps between layers of cut-up photos. In the next draft, i would like to further explore this technique by more tightly closing the gaps between photos and focusing the spatial dissonance on a smaller area to compensate for the smaller focusing area of the camera.


  1. Hey Jimmy, these photos here are really good. Once you were able to put your papers together, you edited it in way that the colors would stand out. I think I just enjoyed the colors in your photos. Nice work Jimmy!

  2. Jimmy, I am really interested in the collage of triangles that you put together. The variety of colors and patterns gives each photo a unique story. I also thought that the formation of the triangles makes each photo different. I would suggest that you don't overdue the increase in saturation and temptature in each picture. Good job and keep up the great work.

  3. Hi jimmy, these are great pictures and I really like how abstract these are, they are also really good quality. I love the colors that are involved these.

  4. The colors and shapes are really working here. I remember the presentation you gave a few weeks back and these photos look very similar. The design are stunning. I am thoroughly enjoying the sharpness of the shapes. Good job this week.

  5. Your photos this time are great. Your choice for a different camera and lens really mad your photos look alot better. Your photos are alot more defined now. Great job!

  6. Hi Jimmy, nice work this week. I love how there are so many different colors, patterns and shapes. I love that even though its crazy to look at, they all go very well with one another. I think you did a great job. keep it up!
