Friday, September 28, 2018


For my project on Composition in photography, I illustrated the concepts of symmetry, asymmetry and balance in my photos. For symmetry, where exactly similar parts mirror each other across an axis, I set up all my photos to have a reflection of the same image on either side of the picture (left and right), such that both colors and shapes are an exact match to eachother. For asymmetry, the opposite of symmetry, where the parts of the image don't match across a center, I made the two halves of the photos on the left and right side unequal, sometimes by way of color, shapes or both. For balance, where two halves of the image have an equal amount of "weight" and draw the attention of the viewer relatively equally, I took photos with halves containing similar amounts of elements to eachother, whether related to colors, objects or both.





Friday, September 21, 2018

Pictorial Lines

For this project on showing "pictorial lines" in photography, I used the concepts of "arrangement of lines", "decoration of lines" and "lines leading to a subject" in my photos. For arrangement of lines, I set up my photos so that they have a singular element in the form of lines, in that if the lines are taken away, there will be nothing left in the photo to observe besides a solid color. For the decoration of lines concept, I center the focus of the image on a particular object or element, also including other elements or "decorations" in the form of lines that maybe improve the image but don't represent or interfere with the topic or subject of the photo. Lastly, for the concept of lines leading to a subject, which is pretty self explanatory, I use lines to draw the focus of the viewer to the subject of the image: the particular object or element in question.

Lines Leading to a Subject


                                                                Arrangement of Lines

                                                                  Decoration of Lines

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


For this project on showing "depth" in photography, I took pictures on examples of Leading Lines, Replication and Depth Staging. For Leading Lines I make use of lines that lead from the foreground to the background and that show the depth of the elements in the photo based on how closely the lines have converged on eachother: being further apart means closer and likewise being closer to eachother means the lines are actually further away. For Repetition, as the name suggests, I use repeating objects or designs of the same shape and size that show the depth of the photo based on how big or small they appear in the photo: bigger means closer and smaller means further away. And lastly, for depth staging, I set up the photos so that you can see the space between objects, specifically the raw vertical distance between them when both the objects and I are on the same flat surface: further up means further away and further down means closer to the camera.

Leading Lines
Photo is rotated 90 degrees clockwise



                                                                     Depth Staging